I’m a bit slow for this activity, fuck it, I know i just need to finish it somehow.
- Wedding Crusher/ Setp Brothers
My all time favorites, whenever Im upset, I watch this.
Wedding Crushers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMA156c4JUE
Step Brothers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BlHY69ZsZ0
3. Train spotting
I didn’t quite understand when I first watched it; I reviewed this film coz Underworld came to Taipei, quite straightforward.
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines…., life is all about choices and changes, just like Mark chose to stay away from his loser friends, he made some changes, it’s just thought Mark wanted to be different from other ordinary people, he ended up being one in the end though, that’s irony.
Actually it’s nothing wrong being normal, sometimes we’re just too greedy, so we’re not satisfied and happy.
4. The hungover
"Does Ceaser live here?" " I don't think so.."
I laugh my eyes out everytime i watch this part!
5. The Bridge Jones’ Diary.
I just love this film, lines are great and funny, and the story is romantic!!
“ I like you, just the way you are”
6. My Blueberry Night
When I told my friends about my plan of going aboard and trying to look for myself/pulling myself together, he asked me to watch this film, coz my plan is exactly the same as Norah Jones did in this film.
She was dumped and cheated by her ex, all she wanted to do was to get away, and by crossing the whole America and doing two jobs and straying around and meeting people and knowing different stories, she’s found herself again and came back to the coffee shop where is owned by Jude Law. She was right about not throwing herself into another relationship with Jude Law right after the break-up, it wasn’t right, she wasn’t complete.
I have my moments that I’m not sure if I’m making the right decision about leaving, for moments like that, I listen to the movie soundtrack, it brings back the strength and reminds me why I’ve made this decision, it sort of encourages me.
7. about a Boy
No man is an island.
It’s been out for ages but I only watched it recently coz I’d like to move on to my next
on-my-way-to-work-everyday book.
I remember Will said, once you open the door for someone, everyone can come in, I think the
author’s got commitment problem as well, apart from that, for me, this film is showing how you can change your life or attitude towards things by being more open, which is related to my own experiences right now. Been throwing myself to a bunch of strangers and absorbing different points of view.
This guy was an bastard in the first place, when Marcus’s mum passed out and was in the ambulance, he thought “driving behind the ambulance was fantastic.”, I just thought that was funny, partly it’s because I’m not a bitter person too, ha
8. L'elegance du Herisson
I went to this film yesterday, it was pretty sad in the end; I was a bit weepy but once I turned my head to Steffi and found her with tears and snots all over her face, my sad feeling just buggered off, I found that situation quite funny, ha.
Actually it wasn’t a sad story , it talked about it’s really important what situation are you in when you’re dying, like this little girl and Rene were kind of full of hatred in the beginning, coz nobody truly understood them, but the more they got engaged to each other’s lives, they’ve sort of found different warm fussy feelings inside them, of course the Japanese gentleman took part of it as well.→Another story about opening the door for people!
Anyway. I thought this film was full of hopes and positives, even though she died in the end, but at least at that moment she felt love, and most importantly was ready to love, unlike the porcupine, full of stings and hide it’s softness inside where no one can see for the rest of it’s life.
9. Closer
I just thought they’ve got some really clever lines used in this film. And I don’t know why, there’s always something vague at one point I thought I was going to understand and then ended up being wasn’t quite sure about, I guess I just not truly understand love, but who does?
10. The talented Mr. Ripley
It’s a truly tragedy, once you’re trapped with webs of lies because of one lie, and you’ll just have to sacrifice your own happiness. Of course it’s normal to be jealous of something we don’t have, I think I’m like that all the time, it’s just if you let this shit gets you, you just end up being unhappy all the time. And I think this film also contains other things, it’s just I don’t quite catch it. Ha
11. Great expectation
The reason I like this film was originally because of Gwyneth Paltrow. But just like “Closer”, every time I watch it I got different things. Life is really interesting; the people you’ve met, situations you got yourself into…all sorts of thing could just simply change the direction of your life; what if I didn’t do that? What if I haven’t met this person? What if I didn’t make that decision…etc, all sorts of “what if” questions. And it’s not like things you pursue so badly you’ll get it, sometimes it just doesn’t work that way, like Fennegan tried so hard to be with Estella, and I’m sure she also wanted him, but things just can’t be so smooth for both of them, and they’d just have to wait until their time to come.
12. The Twilight: This is just so romantic
13. Fat Boy Run
This guy’s also got commitment problem, he could never finished one thing in his entirely life, coz he was way too lazy,(sounds like me), of course he’s made up his mind winning his girlfriend back, that’s just the direction of all movies should be going towards. Anyways, it’s got some fantastic sarcastic sense of humor, of course it’s got happy ending, I believe this universe doesn’t work out that way all the time, but again, I’m sure if you really put my foot down, good things will happen. Positive thinking attracts good things!
14. Looking for Eric
There’s one song is perfect for this film…Hero.
Another commitment-phobe film, this guy kind of lost his faith in everything, his ex-wife sort of hated him while he was still in love with her, he sort of lost faith in life and wasn’t even bother changing it, all the same shit scenario. Anyway, a series of events happened to him, by smoking weed he could kind of like talking to Eric Cantona, who is his hero of his for the entire time, he started to let people in his world and take his problems seriously. Same scenario as other films that he wanted to win his ex-wife back, all of his sort of loser friends help him pull himself back together, once again, not a one man island in the end as well.
Sometimes we just lose faith with no reason, it happens to me all the time, especially on Mondays, ha. For moments like this, when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong, and you finally see the truth, that the hero lies in you.
15. Julie and Julia
I wasn’t interested in this film at first, not at all, I wanted to watch this through my ex-colleague, he said this is a feel good movie, I always like feel good movies and it indeed is a fantastic one.
I’m not a very warm and sweet person, bitter that is, this film just confirms that AGAIN and makes me want to be a sweeter person.
Julie and Julia were in different times but facing the same problem, Julie moved to this Brooklyn-like suburb with her husband and didn’t know what she wanted for her life( exactly like me going through right now), what pleased her the most is when she cooked, so she’s made this challenge of cooking 520 recipes from Julia’s cook book in 365 days; Julia faced the same problem when she moved to France with her diplomat husband, and when she finally found something to do--taking cooking class, she kind of suffered from learning it at the men-dominated time. So of course there were ups and downs, but both Julie and Julia’s husbands were the biggest support of theirs. They always sweet talked and told them everything was going to be fine, even though things were really rough. I’m sure if it wasn’t for them, they wouldn’t be successful and made through things. It’s not like you have to do something or say something cheerful is called support, being there for them is enough at times.
I also wanna be someone’s butter to the bread, the bread to his life.