目前分類:My little daughter~~Little Apple (10)

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Life is full of suprises no matter good and bad

just days before i thought my life was not bad, good to be correct...., i don't know if it's kind of like a curse, 

when i thought it that way, bad thing happened

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It's been a long time since last article, hehe~

meaning: i've been busy at work, which is good, so that i wouldn't have time second guessing on my choice for my new job, 

大頭 is a  very sweet dog, who i baby sitted for 2 weeks while his owner went for business trip in China,

he's just like a fat little boy, who drinks super loudly and moves so rough!

But we all love him very much,

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小蘋果因為肝臟門脈分流的問題,it really makes me study a lot, 
this is the article i've found online, and her status is almost the same as 小蘋果,
只是小蘋果無法開刀...she has more than one shunt, and the blood speed in those shunts is just too fast that the liver cant take the pressure, 
so we can only depend on "Diet", We're trying different food, hope it works perfectly for all the organs!!

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這一個禮拜真ㄉ是very exhausting, 
加上many requests from clients~~~


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we went to 林森park with a friend of papa's, he also has a corgi puppy, whose name is 大頭

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媽ㄉ我家小蘋果真的是很不乖, im so pissed off!!!

about a week ago, she was on her period, 2nd time,

原本以為只是單純以為她跟人一樣肚子痛所以沒胃口,尿有蛋味的尿,尿又超橘的!! 應該都是月經的關係~~

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papa & little apple~what a nice pic!!!
2007.02.21 is Little Apple's birthday, we took her from Corgi-master(長生寵物社), 
if there are brothers or sisters of little apple's, please contact me!!

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    Little Apple's best friend--許醫師,Dr.shu works in a dudgy area, 其實也還好,就Carnegie's那邊,動物醫院的名字叫做:澄毅,我要跟大家推薦這位醫生~~

    We had 2 dogs before Little Apple, white maltese is 立可白,died on 12/31 2006, before he died, we took him to 專心去檢查他是不是心臟有問題,光超音波就花了我6千多塊,檢查出來是心臟與肝臟的纖維化,檢查完的隔天立可白就過世了~~~

    2007年清明節的假期我去通化街--金草本買了阿肥(A-bwee)-male corgi, 非常可愛,但帶回來1天它就不斷的ㄔㄨㄚˋ屎+精神不濟,那時候也是帶去給專心看,醫生是還滿熱心的,但我覺得不夠細心,如果夠細心的話,我所敘述的症狀她就應該要有警覺是哪些病所引起,當時醫生只說可能是腸胃消化不良,開給我酵素,但再隔一天阿肥就拉血便,我帶去澄毅給許醫生檢查就發現其實阿肥有腸炎~~~

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原定last Mon(3/14)要帶小蘋果去結紮的,

Because Dr.shu doesnt have those sonar examinator all that kind of stuff, so i had to take her to another clinic few blocks away from Dr.shu, 
luckily there was a Fibarc sales lady, she gave me a ride to the other clinic..cool!! 

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